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Недавние добавления

Understanding decentralisation and its effects in an authoritarian context: the case of Kazakhstan 

Yesdauletov, Ilyas ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-08-01 )

This thesis analyses decentralisation processes and their effects in a non-democratic state (Kazakhstan). Decentralisation, or the transfer of authority and responsibility from central government to subnational levels, is .

Commons as deliberative systems: designing institutions for the common good 

Rozenburg, Max ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-05-09 )

This project explores and defends a basic proposition: those who participate in democratic processes should be incentivised to uncover and maintain common goods, rather than to aggregate or integrate their private interests. .

Pluriversal reconciliation: democratic theories, political violence and onto-epistemic dialogue 

Ardila Arévalo, Camilo Andrés ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-05-01 )

In this PhD dissertation, I explore the role of democratic theories in contexts of political reconciliation through the lens of pluriversal politics. Specifically, this work focuses on epistemic, deliberative, agonistic .

Politics of media circulation: tracing the distribution of digital photographs of and from Kashmir 

Genovese, Silvia ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-03-22 )

This thesis focuses on digital documentary and photojournalistic images from and of Kashmir and their circulation across different mediascapes. Since the beginning of the conflict, photography in Kashmir has emerged as a .

Stop the killer robots! War humanisers future-proofing the war machine 

Vargas Rivas, Ivar ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-03-20 )

In my doctoral thesis, I examine and critique the interplay between the humanitarian approach to the regulation of military violence and the reproduction of war. I do this by focusing on the field of war humanisation and .

Sex, gender and constitutional attitudes: voting behaviour in the Scottish independence referendum 

Belknap, Emilia ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-07-16 )

The complex relationship between sex, gender and voting behaviour is a global research preoccupation. This thesis investigates an under-researched dimension of this relationship, focusing on the dynamics of gender, voting .

Ideas in international trade: the role of programmatic beliefs in the EU and China's approaches to the WTO DSM 

Barillà, Salvatore Francesco Pio ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-01-30 )

This research project investigates the role of domestic normative ideas in the approaches of the European Union (EU) and China in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) dispute settlement mechanism (DSM). Scholars have .

Young farmers regeneration policy in Indonesia: a capability approach 

Halim, Winarti ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-01-23 )

How does a government persuade young people to stay in farming? This is a question that is very relevant around the world today. The Indonesian government has been making well-funded targeted policies since 2013. This .

'Aquí se ve la fuerza del SME': a political economy analysis of the Mexican Electrical Workers Union's path towards self-management 

González Martínez, Paulina ( The University of Edinburgh , 2024-01-09 )

This research engages with and contributes to political economy scholarship and broader academic research on the energy sector in the Global South. It uses anthropological methods to contribute to the social science .

Dethroning the sovereign individual: a Confucian reconstruction of the theory of right holding 

Zhong, Chiming ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-12-14 )

This dissertation aims at developing a theory of right-holding not based on the concept of the sovereign individual, but based on the concept of the Confucian moral individual. The failure of the Will and Interest theories .

Rentier state revisited: the politics of sovereign wealth funds in Saudi Arabia 

Montambault Trudelle, Alexis ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-11-15 )

In sharp contrast to the preceding four decades of quiet and conservative approach to sovereign wealth management, since 2015 Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF) proactively drives a nation-building project .

Knowing better, doing better? International development NGOs, faith and wellbeing 

Adams, Mark ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-11-08 )

Wellbeing, and particularly subjective wellbeing or happiness, has come to the fore in international development rhetoric since 2000. Making the promotion of human wellbeing the principal goal of public policy and using .

Freedom in and out of work: platforms, precarity, and the democratization of work 

Keulen, Thijs ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-11-06 )

This project explores and defends a seemingly simple proposition: if democracy is to be radical, the democratization of work should be a priority. Two contrasting observations motivate this exploration. The first is that .

Personality and US presidential choices: a study of the protracted Afghanistan war 

Sun, Yifang ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-08-28 )

The 20-year-long US war in Afghanistan, which started in 2001 and ended in 2021, resulted in significant civilian casualties, US military deaths and financial costs. This protracted war raised the question of why the war .

Reproduction of ignorance in normative political theory: an intersectional methodological critique 

Wayland, Catrin ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-06-29 )

Social ignorance is widely recognised in scholarly literatures as a substantive epistemic practice, stemming from dominant socioepistemic standpoints that cultivate systematic insensitivities to historical structures of .

Speculative leadership: using a radical Hegel to reinterpret practice in local government 

Bennett, Michael ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-06-21 )

This thesis begins by reviewing the author’s published work, which sought to describe and account for the nature of leadership in local government, based on long-term engagement with socio-professional networks of UK Chief .

Politics of budget decision-making in South Africa 

Makanya, Nokwazi ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-05-18 )

This thesis examines the deep structure of South Africa’s legislative budget decision-making process, in an attempt to understand how political and budgeting institutions coexist to shape the behaviour of actors and influence .

Typology of statelessness 

Buechel, Benedikt ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-04-20 )

To this day, legal statelessness is surprisingly undertheorised in political theory. While there has recently been a resurgence of scholarship on the topic, no one has yet offered a formal typology of statelessness. This .

Lithium overdose: market practices and symptomatology of lithium trade in Latin America 

Soberón Bravo, Emilio ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-03-16 )

This thesis examines lithium supply and trade in the Atacama Desert in Chile from stances of social studies of markets. It focuses on the contracts held between mining companies and the Chilean State that establish terms .

Taking a ‘leap of faith’ to migrate: exploring UK approaches to anti-human trafficking 

Babjak, Mahlea ( The University of Edinburgh , 2023-02-22 )

Human trafficking is an international phenomenon that has been given more attention by governments, law enforcement, and NGOs as the world has continued to globalise. As a result, numerous combative human trafficking .