Prosecution of Direct European Patent Applications

Here we set out the early stage procedure for European patent applications filed directly at the EPO, including divisional applications. We also set out the practical consequences of this procedure for prosecuting these applications at the EPO. In particular, EPO rules place restrictions on the subject matter that will be searched by the EPO, and so we recommend early review of applications being filed at the EPO to allow appropriate preparation and action to be taken in time, which will be key to effectively managing these applications.

Before the European search

What is the procedure?

Search restrictions applicable to the European search mean that certain requirements must be met before the EPO carries out the search. Subject matter that is not searched in the European search is lost from the application, but may be pursued in a divisional application.

There are three ways in which the EPO will try to restrict its search:

1. Only a single independent claim in each category

The EPO allows only a single independent claim in each category (product, process, apparatus or use), except under certain limited circumstances. Where the EPO considers that this requirement is not met, it will invite the Applicant to indicate which one independent claim for each category should be searched.

The invitation sets a two month time limit for response. This time limit is not extensible and "further processing" is not available. If the Applicant does not reply, the EPO will search only the first independent claim in each category.

It is possible to challenge such an objection, either in reply to the invitation or during examination. If the challenge is successful, the EPO will not limit the search.

2. Incomplete search

Where the EPO considers that the claims are unclear, or too broad for a meaningful search to be carried out, it will invite the Applicant to file a statement indicating the subject matter to be searched.

The invitation sets a two month time limit for response. This time limit is not extensible and "further processing" is not available. If a statement is not filed or is not deemed sufficient, the EPO will either not carry out a search or will search only part of the claimed subject matter.

It is possible to challenge such an objection, either in reply to the invitation or during examination. If the challenge is successful, the EPO will carry out a complete search.

3. Independent consideration of unity of invention

The formal review of the claims at 1 and 2 above is independent of consideration of unity. Where the EPO finds that the claims lack unity, it will carry out a partial search only on the basis of the invention appearing first in the claims. It will also invite the Applicant to pay a further search fee for each further invention that is to be covered by the search.

The invitation sets a t wo month time limit for response. This time limit is not extensible and "further processing" is not available. The European search report will be drawn up for the invention appearing first in the claims, and for any further invention for which an additional search fee has been paid.

It is not possible to argue against a finding of lack of unity at this stage, although this can be challenged when responding to the European search opinion.

If a divisional application is filed with claims directed to subject matter for which a search fee has already been paid, then the search fee paid for the divisional application will be refunded during prosecution.

What action should Applicants take?