Employee offboarding checklist template

An employee offboarding template gives your departing employees and their managers a single system of record for all offboarding tasks. Streamline your exit process and keep track of important documents, transition tasks, and last-day to-dos.

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Employees come and go—are you prepared for both? We tend to structure our onboarding processes to help new employees hit the ground running, but we don’t always do the same for offboarding. Offboarding, or the process of helping employees leave your company, is just as important as onboarding—but it’s often overlooked. An employee’s departure will inevitably affect their team, workflows, and projects. But you can ease this transition and limit interruptions with a reusable employee offboarding template.

Looking for an onboarding template instead? Find it here:

What is employee offboarding?

Employee offboarding is the transition process when an employee leaves your company. Having a structured offboarding process helps capture all of the employee’s responsibilities, so remaining team members understand the work they need to coordinate and take on during the transition. It also helps your people managers and HR employees as they close out loose ends (such as receiving a resignation letter and returning company assets).

Your employee offboarding experience will depend on your company culture and specific organizational needs, but the process should:

Regardless of what you include, there are a lot of steps involved in offboarding an employee, including critical details that are easy to overlook. Creating an employee offboarding checklist template will help you to track this process and ensure you do all the right things for every departing employee. When an existing employee notifies you that they’re leaving, simply duplicate the checklist template and begin the process.

The purpose of a digital employee offboarding checklist template

Sometimes, a good old-fashioned checklist is the perfect way to stay organized. But rather than writing one out or printing a saved doc that’s clunky and hard to update, you can create a digital employee offboarding checklist template. This not only keeps you organized throughout the employee offboarding process, but it also ensures that the offboarding process is always consistent across your organization.

Because of this, you won’t miss any crucial steps. For example, you know that you need to submit information to your health insurance provider as part of your employee offboarding process. If you overlook this step, the departing employee might not qualify for extended health care after they go—not the best way to end the employee experience. Using the same checklist for every employee (copied from your template) ensures that you never miss a step, big or small, in your offboarding process.

6 steps to create an offboarding checklist template

Create your offboarding checklist template in six straightforward steps:

  1. Review materials. Gather everything you need to properly offboard your employees and review it. If you already have existing documents, processes, or offboarding guides, be sure to include those here.
  2. Check in with other departments. The employee’s manager and HR department will usually oversee offboarding, but it’s important to consider the needs of other departments too. What does IT need? How about the finance team? Here, you’ll gain an awareness of important steps you might have overlooked that are company-wide, such as signing a non-disclosure agreement.
  3. Create sections to organize checklist tasks. The exact tasks will vary depending on your specific company needs, but include basic information like the employee’s name and role, paperwork that needs to be completed, and steps to take (for example, scheduling an exit interview).
  4. Connect relevant documents and information. On top of coordinating processes, you can also use project management software to add documents directly to the checklist. For example, you can attach forms that need to be reviewed and signed with assigned deadlines to keep everyone on track.
  5. Save it in an accessible space. In order for the checklist template to boost consistency across the company, it needs to be used by the whole organization. Once you create your offboarding checklist template, save it in a universal space where anyone can access it.
  6. Share it. Share your template with anyone who might need to offboard employees, including people managers, team leads, and department heads.

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What is an offboarding checklist template?

An offboarding checklist template is a reusable tool that you can duplicate and use to offboard every exiting employee. The checklist ensures that you don’t miss any crucial steps during employee offboarding—such as forgetting to gather the company cell phone or submit for their final paycheck. Saving this checklist as a template allows you to implement a structured, consistent way to offboard each employee.

What are the benefits of an offboarding checklist?

Using an offboarding checklist ensures that you don’t miss any important steps or information before an employee leaves. When saved as a template in a project management software, your checklist will create consistency and streamline processes for offboarding across the company.

What is the difference between an onboarding template and an offboarding template?

Onboarding templates help you organize the process of getting a new hire acclimated to the company and their role. The offboarding checklist template does the opposite, helping the employee to leave the company and their current position.