
Your support will allow us to continue to provide exclusive opportunities for our students.

Allow your story to influence the lives of both current and future generations of Eagles. Now is the time to provide opportunities for students that will change the course of their lives. It’s your turn to give back.

Giving Opportunities

Educational opportunity is the great equalizer in our world. No other organization places a higher priority on each individual's education than Ashland University.

We continue to deliver on our commitment to “Accent on the Individual,” so each student leaves here prepared to live a life defined—and fueled—by their unique purpose.

Giving FAQs

Whether your gift is financial or in the form of your time, encouragement or experience, we want to make the process of giving as simple as possible!

Below, you’ll find the answers to the questions we receive most frequently about giving to Ashland University. Included is the necessary information for making a gift that will touch the lives of our students in significant ways and allow us to continue to provide the “Ashland Experience” for both the current and future generations of Eagles.

Please don't hesitate to contact our team with questions about giving a gift of support. We look forward to partnering with you to connect your passions with life-changing opportunities for our students. Call us at 419-289-5620 or email us at

Of course! Just mail or drop off your gift to the following address.

Ashland University
Office of Institutional Advancement
401 College Avenue
Ashland, OH 44805

Please include your full name, preferred mailing address and preferred phone number. Also include a note about the area of Ashland University you would like to support.

You certainly can. Mail or drop off your check or money order to the following address.

Ashland University
Office of Institutional Advancement
401 College Avenue
Ashland, OH 44805

Please make checks payable to Ashland University and write in the memo line the area you would like to support.

Absolutely! We offer simple, secure online giving with any major credit card via our Give Form.

We do! Sign up with PayPal or use an existing account for a secure transfer, choose the PayPal option at time of payment via the Give Form.

Yes! Ashland University partners with Irving Eisel Investments to transfer gifts of securities. Here is their information:

Irving Eisel Investments, Inc.
Call 419.289.6222
DTC Number: 0075
Account Number 3814-4336
Ashland University Federal ID: 34-0714626