Java Guides

In this tutorial, we will learn different Data Structures, Sorting Algorithms, and Searching Algorithms.

We will use the Java Programming language to implement these Data Structures.

Data Structures are the programmatic way of storing data so that data can be used efficiently. Almost every enterprise application uses various types of data structures in one or the other way.

This tutorial will give you a great understanding of the Data Structures needed to understand the complexity of enterprise-level applications and the need for algorithms, and data structures.

Stack Data Structure

  1. Stack Data Structure in Java
  2. Stack Implementation using Array in Java
  3. Dynamic Stack Implementation using Array in Java
  4. Stack Implementation using Linked List in Java
  5. Stack Implementation using Array List
  6. Generic Stack Implementation in Java
  7. Reverse a String using Stack Data Structure in Java
  8. How to Reverse a Stack in Java

Queue Data Structure

  1. Queue Data Structure in Java
  2. Queue Implementation using Linked List in Java
  3. Queue Implementation using Circular Array in Java
  4. Dynamic Queue Implementation using Array
  5. Queue Implementation in Java Using Array
  6. Queue Implementation in Java Using ArrayList
  7. Queue Implementation in Java Using LinkedList
  8. Queue Implementation in Java Using Two Stacks

Linked List Data Structure

  1. Linked List Data Structure in Java
  2. Singly Linked List Implementation in Java
  3. Linked List Implementation in Java Using Arrays
  4. Doubly Linked List Implementation in Java
  5. Circular Linked List Implementation in Java
  6. Java Program to Reverse a Linked List
  7. Detecting a Cycle in a Linked List Using Java
  8. Finding the Middle Element of a Linked List using Java
  9. Merging Two Sorted Linked Lists using Java

Searching Algorithms

  1. Binary Search Algorithm in Java
  2. Linear Search Algorithm in Java
  3. Interpolation Search Algorithm in Java

Sorting Algorithms

  1. Bubble Sort Algorithm in Java
  2. Selection Sort Algorithm in Java
  3. Insertion Sort Algorithm in Java
  4. Merge Sort Algorithm in Java
  5. Quick Sort Algorithm in Java

Programs on Sorting Algorithms in Java

  1. Bubble Sort in Ascending Order in Java
  2. Bubble Sort in Descending Order in Java
  3. Selection Sort in Ascending Order in Java
  4. Selection Sort in Descending Order in Java
  5. Insertion Sort in Ascending Order in Java
  6. Insertion Sort in Descending Order in Java
  7. Merge Sort in Ascending Order in Java
  8. Merge Sort in Descending Order in Java
  9. Quick Sort in Ascending Order in Java
  10. Quick Sort in Descending Order in Java

Java Programs on Data Structures

  1. Java Program to Reverse a Linked List
  2. Detecting a Cycle in a Linked List Using Java
  3. Finding the Middle Element of a Linked List using Java
  4. Merging Two Sorted Linked Lists using Java
  5. Queue Implementation in Java Using Array
  6. Queue Implementation in Java Using ArrayList
  7. Queue Implementation in Java Using LinkedList
  8. Queue Implementation in Java Using Two Stacks
  9. Priority Queue Implementation in Java Using Linked List
  10. Linked List Implementation in Java Using Arrays
  11. Doubly Linked List Implementation in Java
  12. Circular Linked List Implementation in Java
  13. Deque Implementation in Java
  14. Finding the Height of a Binary Tree in Java
  15. Determining if a Binary Tree is Balanced in Java
  16. Implementing Binary Search Tree (BST) Operations in Java
  17. Finding the Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST using Java


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