California Car Insurance Laws

California has the highest number of residents in the country, with a population of 38 million. Among those 38 million people are 27 million licensed drivers who have registered nearly 30 million cars in the state. And each and every one of those cars needs car insurance.

But how much coverage is needed? And what are the car insurance laws to keep in mind as you drive throughout Cali? We’ve got everything you need to know.

Car Insurance Laws in California

Learn everything you need to know about California car insurance below.

Minimum Insurance Requirement in California

Penalties for Driving Without Insurance

If you’re caught driving without insurance in California, you may face the following penalties:

If you’re involved in an accident without having insurance or proof of insurance, the state will suspend your driving privileges for one year. However, during this time, you may be able to get a restricted license, allowing you to drive under the following circumstances:

To get your license reinstated following a suspension, you’ll need to pay a $250 fee and maintain a California SR-22 for three years.

Fault System

California is an at-fault state, meaning that in an accident, the at-fault driver is financially responsible for the other party’s bodily injuries and property damages. Accident victims can sue the other party in a civil suit, regardless of their own level of negligence and even if they hold the majority of the fault.

More Laws to Know

More Coverages to Add

California’s required coverage, which is liability coverage only, won’t pay for your property damage, your injuries, or your passengers’ injuries. Full-coverage car insurance, on the other hand, would via the below coverages:

California is third in the nation when it comes to the frequency of auto theft, following Colorado and Washington, D.C. In California in 2020, there were 428 auto thefts per 100,000 inhabitants. 5 The city of Bakersfield ranked No. 1 in the nation for auto theft in metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), with 905 thefts per 100,000 inhabitants that same year.

The Cost of Car Insurance in California

The average annual cost of car insurance in California is approximately $1,200. How does that break down in terms of coverage?

The cheapest California car insurance would be liability insurance only, the minimum coverage required for drivers in California. Additional coverages would add to your upfront expenses, particularly as the state’s cost for collision coverage is the second highest in the nation after Washington, D.C. However, purchasing added protection can save you money in the long run.

Factors That Affect Rates

Why is car insurance in California so expensive, especially if you live in a city like Los Angeles or San Francisco? Here are some factors that dictate insurance rates:

California has the highest number of registered electric vehicles (EVs) in the U.S., with 563,070 cars registered as of Dec. 31, 2021. That’s 40 percent of all the registered EVs in the nation! 7

Are Inspections Required?

When you register your vehicle in California for the first time or renew your registration, you must undergo a smog inspection. However, there are a few types of vehicles that are exempt from these inspections:

Texting and Driving Laws

The average Californian has a one-way commute of 28 minutes, the fifth-longest in the country. 8 Given the congestion on roads, it’s no surprise that 2021 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data shows that 3 percent of all of California’s fatal motor vehicle crashes that year involved distracted driving, as people try to entertain themselves in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

To reduce the temptation to engage in distracted driving, California has fines for texting and driving for both teen drivers and drivers over the age of 18.

California distracted driving laws and fines by age Over age 18 Under age 18
Handheld device while driving allowed No No
Hands-free device while driving allowed Yes No
First offense fine $20 $20
Subsequent offense fine $50 $50


Insurance is required to register a car in California, so it’s important to make sure you’re adhering to state guidelines regarding your coverage. Whenever you’re in the Golden State, make sure you’re following the posted speed limit, as well as other rules of the road, to keep your auto insurance rates low.


  1. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. California Department of Motor Vehicles. (2023).
  2. ARTICLE 2. Financial Responsibility. California Legislative Information. (1974).
  3. Prop 103 Consumer Intervenor Process. California Department of Insurance. (2023).
  4. One in Eight Drivers Uninsured: $13 Billion Spent in 2016 to Protect Against Uninsured and Underinsured Drivers. Insurance Research Council. (2021, Mar 22).
  5. 2019 Crime in the United States. FBI. (2019).
  6. 2019/2020 Auto Insurance Database Report. National Association of Insurance Commissioners. (2023, Jan).
  7. Hybrid-Electric, Plug-in Hybrid-Electric and Electric Vehicle Sales. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (2023).
  8. Commuting Characteristics by Sex. United States Census Bureau. (2023).$0400000